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The Knot-based language unique to those living in Braided Shore, which you can learn by memorizing the Vellan Tongue skill.

While being a written based language, they also have assigned oral pronouncations.


While not confirmed, locals believe the language first originated by the first settlers of Braided Shore.[1]


Baht / Bah-t /
It means "from"
- Learnt from Skif Baht Osso

Khelim / Key-lim /
It means "dandelion", It is also used to refer to the new generation of travelling master crafters
- Learnt from Braided Shore Locals.

Hessem / Has-seh-m /
It means "shades/ghosts of gamblers"
- Learnt from Gambling Guest

Sehm / Seh-m /
It means "friend/sir/ma'am", used often as a means of addressing and greeting a stranger.
- Learnt from Braided Shore Locals

Somna / So-m-na /
It's a casual greeting to others, something of the lines of "Hello".
- Heard from Braided Shore Locals

Samramse / Sa-m-ra-m-seh /
A more formal greeting. Children can be heard shortening it to "samram".

- Heard from Braided Shore Locals

Haridasam, Haridasem, Haredasim, Gerang, Gereng, Gerin, Disehm, Diset, Disarem, Amka, Amkana, Armaga, Betel, Beltel, Belusi, Opim, Opam , Oppenim, Vul, Valo, Valimo, Kam, Kamd, Kamuki, Zaha, Zehek, Zhekkeh, Pilt, Pilok, Pilakeh, Mem, Memok, Mekoma, Terve, Terivo, Terravah, Sama, Sumo, Sumama, Cru, Cruk, Crukri, Ende, Endel, Endela, Lamna, Limuna, Lallama, Nito, Nato, Nitao, Ralla, Rollo, Ralollo

- Learnt from Knot-scribe, aka High Scholar Hemet

- Learnt from Bitter Maisu

Mak Nahm Kama.. Bel Tend Zaka.. Nu Amn Remad
- Learnt from Animal tendon message knot

- Learnt from Chanting Shade (but could be a slurred pronunciation of "mortal")

Skuta Mara
- Learnt from TBA


In earlier Kickstarter posts and development, Vellan was most likely named as Eskeni. The language originated from the cultures of the Malku and Selka. It became popular in Braided Shore during The Age of Dynasty and is used as the main spoken language for them today. It is unclear if the lore still holds true and is brought over to Vellan.
