Lighthouse Keeper Apprentice

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Apprentice Lighthouse Keeper.png


The Lighthouse Keeper Apprentice is the daughter and apprentice of the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper


  • Myr The Lighthouse Keeper Apprentice walks between the Myr Lighthouse and the Tamar Boathouse.


The Lighthouse Keeper Assistant is an optional part of the Cobalt Tiles between Light and Night Quest.


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak to them the first time Oh, are you one of those Nomads? I try to learn everything my father knows about tending the lighthouse...
If you speak to them the second time Hiya! Papa is worried 'cause the light is weakening...There are cracks in the light's reflector, papa says...If only we could make new shiny tiles for the light...It seems no one knows how those particular pottery tiles are made.
Once there was a child visiting from Kuro Orchard who had a shard that was just like the ones we need...The kid promised to find more for us and return, but she never did...Papa and his friend the Wind Mystic whisper about scary things that may happen if the light fails...They tell me not to worry and all they do is trade folk tales...But the tone in their voices when they think I cannot hear them gives me the creeps...

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you have Cobalt-glazed tile shards in your inventory That is an Elden Pottery Shard you have there! The same kind that the Kuro child brought us! Please won't you let father have it? I would so love to see his worries lessened. I'm sure it will! Please, Khelim!

Walk By Dialogue

If you have Cobalt-glazed tile shards in your inventory, the Lighthouse Keeper Apprentice will react by saying

You have a shiny tile! Please show to papa!


The Lighthouse Keeper Apprentice alludes to the fact that the lighthouse reflector is made out of Elden Age Cobalt Tile pottery. The technique to make them can no longer be replicated and the reflector can only be sustained by finding more tiles.