Travelling Merchant

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Travelling Merchant.png

There are three NPCs with distinct appearances and inventories known as Travelling Merchant. Although their routes and name are similar, their appearance and inventories are different.

They will be referred to as:

  1. Travelling Merchant
  2. Travelling Umbrella Merchant
  3. Travelling Food Merchant


The Travelling Umbrella Merchant carries an umbrella when it rains.


All three Travelling merchants travel along roads.

Travelling Merchant Locations

Travelling Umbrella Merchant Locations

Travelling Food Merchant Locations


Travelling Merchant

Using Hagglers Wit

This merchant is interested in Canes.

Travelling Merchant

Using Hagglers Wit

This merchant is interested in Metal and Cloth.

For Sale

They only sell these 9 items.

Travelling Umbrella Merchant

Using Hagglers Wit

Their interest is currently unknown.

For Sale

They sell _ equipment at a time.

Travelling Food Merchant

The Travelling Food Merchant mainly sells edibles, but also stocks a few other items such as equipment and trade goods.

Using Hagglers Wit

Their interest is currently unknown.

For Sale
