Spicy ginger root

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ItemIcon Edible Root 06 Medium.png

The naval secrets of the Sah Basir have always intrigued me. If we could only gleam just some of their methods of ocean travel we could extend our trade and exploration range exponentially! But alas the Sah Basir keep mostly to themselves when they make a rare landfall in Braided Shore and most of their secrets are fated to remain obscure. I did however recently manage to uncover part of a major trick of theirs.
Folk report strange wooden pots hewn into the railing of Sah Basir ships. Much speculation in the foreign culture study community has been made about the contents of these pots, everything from edible worm cultivation to rumours that the Sah Basir simply sustain themselves by eating dirt from the seafloor. I reckon, however, that I have found the answer, in my theory, Sah Basir grow roots of ginger to ward off scurvy and other vitamin deficiency diseases. Everything would line up if not for how the Sah Basir produce enough fresh water to grow their roots.
Evidently further research must be done into the area, but I feel as if we are close to a significant discovery.

Fateng Leng, Professor of Herbalism and Foreign Cultures at Rivenleaf University


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