"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.
Knot and teas are all the same to me give me a gambling den any day!
Passage is a forbidden game played around the Braided Shore. It's a small board game played by the many; however, due to its dark origins associated with gambling and violence, Passage is outlawed and is only played in dark, secluded areas.
As of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, there are no big rewards or penalties in playing Passage for our player character other than a few Knowledge Points, but it is hinted that those will come soon in future updates. Before Game Update - November 10, 2021, when losing a game with Vosnan, it would deplete 1 Life Petal.
Passage was made to tell the story of the Asken folks Passage to Braided Shore. That for every card laid down a piece of their history is invoked as thread of some dead ancestors destiny plucked from the Spirit World.[1]. Each time one plays Passage with a wager, a part of their soul is taken, and playing too much will have you 'hollowed out' and live as a husk of your former self, named a Hessem.
They are played on a specific game-mat that requires the weaver to give it a hint of magic and knowing its lore, it seems that possibly no one left in Braided Shore knows how to weave it. As time goes on and the lessons is teaching the new generation not to play Passage is passed down, the history and the penalty in playing this game has faded, and the mystery and mystical properties of this game has started to lure new players to play again, much to the dismay of some elderlies[2].
Rumour has it that one of the noble houses run an illegal gambling house in Kasa
"Welcome to Passage! Because of its darkly obscure origins and addictiveness, the game of Passage is outlawed across Braided Shore. Due to its unlawful nature, the places where Passage is played are shrouded, dark and hushed. Two places, open secrets of sorts, are known to be available to anyone; "The Voice's Tavern" in the West and "The Marble Hut" in the East. These places are strange, occult and brimming with esoteric forces. All common folk know that for the sake of their souls, it is best to stay well way from them.
Passage Cards: A hand of passage totals 6 cards, which all have two values on them. The topmost number represents the card's minimum value, and the bottommost number represents its maximum value. When a card is played, a random number between the minimum and maximum value is 'rolled' and added to your total score. Once you have played a card, the turn is passed over to your opponent.
How to Win: The goal of the game is to beat your opponent's score without scoring a higher than the current round's goal number. The goal number is randomised for each round and displayed in blue in the middle of your board. If you play a card and your new total exactly matches the goal number, you instantly win the round. The first player to win three rounds wins the set. Each player's total game round wins is displayed at the top of their respective home sides
On Passing: Instead of playing a card, you can choose to pass. In passing, you forfeit your remaining turns and your score is locked to its current value. Your opponent is then free to play their remaining cards until they either win, lose or pass themselves. It is wise to pass when your score is close to the goal number, as the risk of scoring higher and automatically losing on your next turn might be great. If both players pass on the exact same score, the round is a tie.
Closing Words: Some special cards, called 'House Cards' have unique effects. House cards have hidden pictograms on them relating to hidden meanings from the game's long forgotten origins. Hover over the House Card to reveal its game effects. Each House Card is a powerful strategic tool that will aid you in winning games once you learned how to use them. Meditate on how best to play them.
Closing Words: To surrender a game, press the 'X' icon in the top right corner of the board. You may review the rules at any time by pressing the '?' icon. You now know what you need to play Passage! How long will it take you to master it? Wind's blessing on your luck!"
Future Plans
Many elements of Passages are missing in Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins. Other than rewards and penalties, it is hinted that you can collect unique cards in the future to help alter your strategy.
Playing Passage in Book of Travels