Simple news message knot

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ItemIcon TradeGood MessageKnot 01 Medium.png

The Simple news message knot is a series of knots that has different descriptions under the same name.
As of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, 4 different knots has been found.

Item Descriptions

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Professor Myrak proposes defining and naming new 'transitional era' in The Age of Dynasty; 'The Cobalt Era'. History scholars in Rivenleaf up in arms; calls the professor's suggestion an affront to traditionally agreed upon theories.

Harrow Ledge Road-Wardens warns: Bears with unknown affliction show unprecedented aggression. Nehem House trophy hunters mauled. Travellers advised to avoid the area at all cost.

Unknown person punished with ""scare"" for attempting to force entrance to the Kasa city sewers. No reason was given for the culprit's motives.

Several citizen were captured by wardens after a failed burglary attempt. The culprits claim no memory of their crimes.
Unconfirmed rumours claim 'The Puppermaster' is feared to be behind the crime, and that more may follow. Wardens ask Kasa citizens to be vigilant.
