Aged Khelim

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Aged Khelim.png


The Aged Khelim wanders around the Braided Shore with their Dog in the rougher areas of the Braided Shore.



When you speak to the Aged Khelim the first time Ah, one of the new generation,eh? Hello, youngster! Can you see any Kinship between us, 'Khelim'? hehe... I was once a famous Khelim, would you believe. Wandering between the villages all over Braided Shore... Of course in those thays, we were all journeyer crafters, most every one of us... With the odd mystic or two, of course. We helped the locals with our special knowledge in building-craft, engineering and the like. The term Khelim or Dandelion was minted by those villagers, of course reflecting how they saw us, seeds on the breeze... Going where the Winds willed us and only staying for as long as it took us to complete some particular project... Those were the good times, most of them... Yes... Hmm... I do still wander the roads, from time to time... But only for pleasure.
When you speak to the Aged Khelim a second time. Ah hello, yes! Umm... Where was I..? ...
