The Botanist and their Guards

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House Yehan Botanist.png




The House Pelgen Botanist will accept white flowers. Currently there are only two in the game.


House Pelgen Botanist Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to them for the first time Greetings, wayworn Traveller! I am on a quest to pick a grand bouquet of flowers in the colours of the honourable house of Pelgen. My family is presently hosting an official family reception...And only fresh flowers of our house colours will do.
It is a tradition that the youngest highborn Baronets of the house performs this duty...For each flower I pick, I am to consider a point of responsibility or duty that is demanded of me and those of our house.
I travel with guards not only to keep me safe from bandits or creatures from the wild...There is a constant game of hostage-taking being played between the three noble houses. It is an unbloody affair, where captives are treated more as guest than prisoners and soon get traded back. Anything is legal tender in this game; captives, pieces of Master Iron or whatever our haggling stewards agree upon. It also keeps everyone on their toes and forces us to have our wits about us when we venture outside our fortress. This might appear a strange custom to a commoner, but it is maintained to help temper our strength. Should a foreign threat appear, the houses will form a chain and defend the realm as one.
I really must get on with my flowers! Anything with white petals and I will claim it!
When you speak to them for the second time. I really must get on with my flowers! Anything with white petals and I will claim it!

House Pelgen Guard Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to one guard Make way for the Baronet, Sehm.
When you speak to another guard We protect our ward from danger, not from conversation, Sehm.