Tavern Gamblers

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The Cloud.png

The Tavern Gamblers appear in the Voices' Tavern in Little Slip every night.


  • Gambling Adventurer
  • Gambler
  • The Cloud
  • Lawless (intermittent)


Gambling Adventurer Dialogue

I played against the Sefra several times...I don't know why, but even when I'm winning I still feel like I'm losing somehow...

Gambler Dialogue

When you speak to the Gambler the first time Hey, you don't look much like a Passage player, friend. You don't carry the scars of a gambler. Me, I need to win BIG! The dealer out there, he has what I want... What I NEED! They say he has ONE thing......that everybody needs!
When you speak to the Gambler the second time. Hey. You trust in luck to keep your Passage safe? Me, I need to win BIG! The dealer out there, he has what I want... What I NEED! They say he has ONE thing......that everybody needs!

Lawless Dialogue

They call it 'The Cloud'...I do not know who named it...I've never heard of a Sefra outside of the Kasa council that would tolerate being near so many people.

The Cloud Dialogue

The Cloud may not be interactable as a living character unless you are can see the dead. You can no longer play Passage with The Cloud as of November 2023. The new dialogue suggests other options may open up if you are dead.

Welcome to my table, Khelim...I would LOVE to try my hand against yours...Come and play if you should ever be left in a state between this realm and the next...If you are willing to make a wager, sweet Dandelion...What is the worst that can happen..?
