Hunting Party

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Three Hunters.png


  1. Merchant Hunter
  2. Referral Hunter
  3. Insightful Hunter


NPC Dialogue

Insightful Hunter Dialogue

"Well met, Wanderer! Good hunting in these parts! At least it has been for us. Have a care that you strike camp by nightfall. The woods are not safe at night outside a ring of firelight. Happy trails, friend!"

Referral Hunter Dialogue

"*nods at you* Hello! How is your hunting luck today? We are always interested to trade, Traveller. Speak to my friend over there and they'll open up our pack for you."

Merchant Hunter Inventory

This merchant sells at a 10 percent (rounded down) discount and buys most items at trade value. Items they have less interest in, including items they offer, are valued at fifty percent of default trade value.

Using Hagglers Wit

This hunter is interested in items made of Wood.

For Sale

The Vendor Hunter sell 5-8 equipment at a time.

Other Hunters

The Hunting Party Hunters are distinct from the Hunter in the Starting Travel Scenarios.