I was captured (West)

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This scenario can be accessed by selecting "I was captured" and then choosing the option "West" when choosing Starting Travel.


The Burnings

The player awakens to the East of the House of the Char Eagle in The Burnings. There an NPC unique to the Starting Journey Scenario present

NPC Dialogue

Hunter Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Hunter for the first time I don't mean to pry, nor assume...But you don't appear to be in a good state to wander these woods. It appears you are in a bad way, and I have little aid to give...As soon as you may, you should head Southeast where you'll soon find an old abandoned train track cutting through the woods...Follow the tracks East and don't stop until you reach the safety of the fishing village of Myr...When they see the state you are in, they will help you...And ask nothing in return except perhaps your name.
When you speak to the Hunter for the second time Once you are safely away, I will break camp and go my own way...Remember: Head Southeast until you hit the old train tracks. Then follow them East to Myr...See you further down the road, Traveller...

Walk By Dialogue

Hello, friend..?