Starting Travel Scenarios

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After completing all the steps of Character Creation, the player character will be asked two questions:

How did your journey begin?


In which region did you start your travels?

How you answer the first question will determine which options are available to you for the second question.

Your Journey

The player must select from one of four options

  • I was on a journey at sea
  • I was travelling on land
  • I was captured
  • I can't remember

Which Region

  • I was on a journey at sea, the only available region is North.
  • I was travelling on land, the player must choose between West and East
  • I was captured, the player must choose between West and East
  • I can't remember, the player must choose between North and South.


Each Starting Journey Scenario is different. Based on your choices you will start the game in a different part of the map, with unique NPCs, and receive one gift.

Journey Beginning Direction Item Starting Location
I was on a journey at sea North Common crescent fish Harrow Ledge
I was travelling on land West Dented ring of a mystic novice Western Harvest Route
I was travelling on land East Balanced walking stick Siram Fields
I was captured West Moss-covered tree mask The Burnings
I was captured East Rich rye bread Kuro Orchard
I can't remember North Children's seashell necklace Bat Saha
I can't remember South Uncomfortable underarm shielding Alken Rock Coast