I was travelling on land (East)

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This scenario can be accessed by selecting "I was travelling on land" and then choosing the option "East" when choosing Starting Travel.


Siram Fields

The player awakens in Siram Fields. There a number of NPCs unique to the Starting Journey Scenario present


The Shepherd will give you a Balanced walking stick upon initiating dialogue.

NPC Dialogue

Shepherd Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Shepherd for the first time They like you, haha! My wards are good judges of character...So I will like you also! What put you to sleep in the middle of a field I wonder? Some Omin-trick, stirring up pollen to make you drowsy, I bet! If you head West you'll come upon the Old Road. If you follow it it will take you to the city of Crossings. The Crossings Teahouse keeper is a kindly soul...Seeing someone as way-worn as you on their doorstep...They will offer you a free meal and a good rest, at least. It's quite a ways away though, across the mountains and a bit. Why don't you take my old walking stick? May it help you keep your footing across Obo's Blade Pass....And remember: Keep to the road!
When you speak to the Shepherd for the second time My sheep need their shepherd...Now, head West across Obo's Blade Pass, and follow the road to Crossings and find the Teahouse Under the Tree....And remember: Keep to the road!

Walk By Dialogue

Good morning! Sleep well?


No matter if you begin your journey at night, the Shepherd will say Good morning.