I was captured (East)

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This scenario can be accessed by selecting "I was captured" and then choosing the option "East" when choosing Starting Travel.


Pond Keronos

The player awakens to by Pond Keronos in Kuro Orchard. There are NPCs unique to the Starting Journey Scenario present

NPC Dialogue

Water Mill Assistant Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Water Mill Assistant for the first time Greetings, stranger...It is not often we meet far afield folk out here...Our days working up at the watermill can be quite long at times, so we often spend our free time walking the woods. My sister and I often take trips into the Wilds gathering herbs and flowers. We have little to share but our employers always kindly supply us with waybread. Speak to my sister and she will give you some of our bread to soothe the worst of your hunger...
When you speak to the Water Mill Assistant for the second time If I had skill with healing I could perhaps have made you a restorative brew from our herbs. But unfortunately I am but a simple Millhand... I think you should find your way to the Teahouse in Myr. The Teahouse keeper there will surely serve you something to chase your ills away.

Walk By Dialogue

Who goes there?