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The Gatherer only appears during the Starting Travel Scenario: I was captured (East). They appear in Kuro Orchard by Pond Keronos


When you speak to the Gatherer, they give you Rich rye bread


When you speak to the Gatherer the first time Here you are stranger, please accept some of our waybread...You look like you need it more than we do. Hurting and half-drowned as you appear. Now, if you head Northwest, past the watermill, you will come upon the Elden Road...Follow the road North to the fishing village of Myr and the Bridge Keeper Teahouse...I am certain the Teahouse keeper will prove sympathetic.
When you speak to the Gatherer the second time Do you recall my directions to Myr? Northwest to the Kuro Orchard water mill and follow the road Northwards on to Myr. Winds' blessings on your back, Khelim.