I was on a journey at sea

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This scenario can be accessed by selecting "I was on a journey at sea" and then choosing the option "North" when choosing Starting Travel


Point Dead Dolphin

The player awakens at Point Dead Dolphin in Harrow Ledge. There a number of NPCs unique to the Starting Journey Scenario present.

NPC Dialogue

Bad-tempered Sailor Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Bad-tempered Sailor for the first time Walk away from the boat! None of you are coming back out to the ship! Plead as you will! Be happy we dumped you here and not you overboard on the way! Push off!
When you speak to the Bad-tempered Sailor for the second time How many times must I tell you?! Push off!

Curious Traveller Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Curious Traveller for the first time Finally, solid ground beneath my feet...I heard one of the sailors call this land 'Braided Shore'...Ahh...The air feels somehow...Welcoming.
When you speak to the Curious Traveller for the second time I can't wait until I'm rid of this awful sea sickness...Time is all I need now to recover...Ahh...The air feels somehow...Welcoming.

Foreigner Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Foreigner for the first time Don't ask me...I'm a stranger to this land, just as much as you are...Find some food maybe...
When you speak to the Foreigner for the second time I just want to go somewhere warm and out of the Wind...Find some food maybe...

Old Traveller Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Old Traveller for the first time Some of us are going to a city called Crossings...The girl next to me on the voyage kept talking about it...I can't see her here...I wonder what happened to her..?
When you speak to the Old Traveller for the second time She also said something about a place...Called 'Myr'...I wonder which place is furthest away..?

Refugee Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Refugee for the first time We'll get moving inland as soon as we are ready...Go on ahead, no point waiting on us...I have a few things to attend to still...
When you speak to the Refugee for the second time It will take a while for us all to get ready...Go on ahead, no point waiting on us...I have a few things to attend to still...

Sympathetic Boathand Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Sympathetic Boathand for the first time Shh...Keep your voice down...I don't want my shipmate over there noticing we're talking...I grew up not far from here. As soon as you may, you should head West...When the woods begin to clear turn to the Southward...Keep going until you reach the fishing village of Myr...Speak to the steward of the Teahouse, I know she has a soft spot for tragic life stories...She will take your plight to heart and give you a free meal, at least...Winds' blessing on your path, friend.
When you speak to the Sympathetic Boathand for the second time Sorry...I have to tend to our drinking water now, we'll soon be returning to the ship out in the bay...Head West and then South and aim for the Myr Teahouse now, and let yourself be looked after! Winds' blessing on your path, friend.

Traveller Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Traveller for the first time Well...We can't stand here the rest of our lives...
When you speak to the Traveller for the second time I saw a fishing village along the coast as we came in...If you head West inland and then turn south as the trees clear, if you keep walking you should get to the village. It seemed friendly enough from a distance...

Walk By Dialogue

Dry land at last...

So glad to be off that ship..!

No point standing around here...