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The Moss-gatherer only appears during the Starting Travel Scenario: I was captured (West). They appear in The Burnings by the Lokid Ruins near the train tracks to the East.


When you speak to the Moss-gatherer, they give you a Moss-covered tree mask


When you speak to the Moss-gatherer the first time Winds' fury, you look beat up! But all that grime on your clothes...You must be a fellow Moss-gatherer! Come to these ruins in search of a rare specimen. I applaud your dedication but with the state you are in, you should take a break. Follow the train tacks east to Myr. The people at the Teahouse will take care of you, that's where I go to freshen up after a successful Moss-hunt. Oh, and take this. It's not often I meet a fellow Moss-enthusiast.
When you speak to the Moss-gatherer the second time Follow the train tacks east to Myr. The people at the Teahouse will take care of you