Hooded Person

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Spoiler Alert

Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.


"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."


The Hooded Person is always sitting in the back of the left-hand part of the Voices' Tavern day or night. They can only be interacted with if you possess a specific item.



The Hooded Person is essential to progressing the Deliver Cobalt-glazed tile shards Quest

The Hooded Person is also a potential conclusion of the Fish Compendium Quest.


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you possess the Cobalt-glazed tile shards in your inventory (not in a pocket), Wanderer...I see you have found the real goods...So many forgeries have been put before me over the seasons...I will not tolerate such things...Now that I have laid eyes on the goods, I will tell you where someone awaits your arrival. Listen well, Khelim.

Travel North to the area of Harrow Ledge...Seek out among the Western cliffs a secluded cave, hid from sight. You will find your just reward for such shards as these. Fear not little, Khelim...For the bearer of good news will never risk mistreatment. Mind how you go, Nomad.

If you possess the Raving knot weave on the metaphysics of the gloomfish in your inventory (not in a pocket) The courier arrives with words they do not understand. But the words are not for you, they never were. You have played your part. Be content in that. Khelim, I will grant you twain of boons for your actions. One is a boon of words.

Despair to drowning.
It is drowning
in waters where you are completely and utterly alone.
Drowning to hope
hope just barely
visible on the horizon but forever elusive.
Hope to despair
Reaching the golden
surface just as something finds your leg and pulls you back down into the depths.
You can paddle forever, and it knows this. It knows that you will keep treading water until your skin bloats and disintegrates. The only escape is looking down, seeing the million eyes staring up at you. And realizing that there is no escape.
My second boon to you is hope. It is fleeting and cannot last forever. But it is hope.