Raving knot weave on the metaphysics of the gloomfish

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Not Regainable

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ItemIcon TradeGood MessageKnot 74 Medium.png

...And now I realize what it was that I saw, I was there. The rotten swamp, a sea in all directions. A booming, deafening sound all around as if it was reverberating from your the primordial depths of your skull itself. The sound surrounds you like oil until you cannot be certain if the sound is still there or if the sound is still there or if a profound silence has taken its place...


This item is part of the Fish Compendium quest should you give Sebastih Baht Billows the Many-eyed gloomfish.


This knot can be obtained from Sebastih Baht Billows in Siram Fields, near the end of the Fish Compendium quest. It can then be delivered to the Hooded Person at the Voices' Tavern in Little Slip, in exchange for the Sodden boon.