Sebastih Baht Billows

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Sebastih Baht Billows is a researcher of fish and can be found near The Livid North Coast in Travellers' Meadow at any time of day. Before you speak to him, he will be labelled as 'Fish Documentor'.

He can also be found at other locations, however cannot be spoken to in these locations unless the specific quest stage has been reached.


Sebastih Baht Billows is the main NPC involved in the Fish Compendium quest.


Travellers' Meadow Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to Sebastih Baht Billows Oh! I didn't expect to meet someone all the way out here. You wouldn't happen to be familiar with fishing, would you? I apologize if I am too forward with my request but I am searching for a very specific fish that I have heard makes these waters its home. It's small but very precious! Its scales a pleasant cedar-pink. I would be most grateful if you were able to catch one and show it to me.
When you return with the fish You- you actually caught one? I was beginning to lose hope! I had hired another fisher from Myr but they quite after just a couple of weeks! My reason for wanting the fish? Oh it's not for eating or mounting or anything like that. I am trying to knot a compendium of all the fish around Braided Shore. The work has been going smoothly for the most part. Folk around here in the West seem more than happy to share what they know of the local fish. The difficult part has been gathering information on the rarer specimen. The Fishers all seem to have different advice and information, so it seems that it falls to me to gather and study them myself. Just seeing the fish would be enough to knot something together but I would deeply appreciate it if you would trade me the fish as well. I am not rich but I would try to offer at least something in return. Hey... You did a good job. If you were interested in helping me further, meet me at the Brim of Abarat. And bring your fishing rod!
If you exchange the fish Much appreciated, Khelim! Down into my aquarium it goes!

Brim of Abarat Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to Sebastih Baht Billows My assistant! You made it. Today I am searching for a large species of fish that are only ever supposed to be spotted in my home of Billows. My father would no doubt turn as cinnabar as a beach lemon should he find out that similar fish could be found this far west. Nethertheless I must document all I can, no matter what my Billows pride tells me.
When you return with the fish If I didn't just see you catch that beast I would have thought you somehow made your way to Billows and back by magic means! When I first heard the rumours, I thought it was just the Myr fishers trying to brag. But I guess you proved me wrong, huh. If you ever found your way around Billows I'd urge you to participate in the Pike King's Festival. You would no doubt place fairly high with skills like these. You know I participated once... Just once... ... Anyway, after this I am intending to scout out a place down south known as the Mist Keeper's Toe. Those streams are said to house an especially rare fish and I am going to need your help in verifying those claims! Oh and once again if you want to trade e the halibut then I would appreciate it!
If you speak with them a second time after returning with the fish Great Job Assistant! Please do find me in Mist Keeper's Toe. It is a bit of a journey but you look used to rough roads!
If you exchange the fish Much appreciated, Khelim! Down into my aquarium it goes!

Mist Keeper's Toe Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to Sebastih Baht Billows Haha! I knew you would make it my trusted assistant. Have you seen a place so magnificent? I must admit that I have a slight aversion to water. One of the reasons I have asked you to catch the fish for me. A silly thing for a fish documentor wouldn't you say? Especially for one growing up in Billows, the city of fish. But the waters here, they do not scream or thrash as the rapids of Billows. They are serene, calm. Bah, you are kind to stand there and listen to me drone. But admitting the sights comes later! Now there are fish to catch! I managed to catch a glimpse of a bright jade crest the water just before you arrived. I believe that could be our prize!
When you return with the fish Incredible. We never get fish like this in Billows. I doubt this little fellow could make it in those waters. Those beautiful scales almost look as if they would flake off if hit by a gentle breeze, much less the full force of the Fumes. I am sorry for dragging you half across Braided Shore and back just for a fish but I am hoping you will meet me once more back north. There is a lonely beach called West Wind Shores that is said to have a good number of fish that are only commonly found out at sea. I have a good feeling about that as our next destination.
If you exchange the fish Much appreciated, Khelim! Down into my aquarium it goes!

West Wind Shores Dialogue

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When you first speak to Sebastih Baht Billows Assistant! You came! How glad I am to see you. This is the furthest west I have yet been. I wonder if there is somewhere even more west to go... Another shore beyond the horizon perhaps? Not that I could ever travel across the water. Forgive me, my mind is still wandering. I discovered an old friend here. She is a novice Wind voice on an apprenticeship here from Rivenleaf. I studied in Rivenleaf as well, albeit very briefly, but there the two of us became friends. We called ourselves the little Esoterim, a little gang of sorts. It was me, Kephi and another student who called themselves Zaskia. I am glad that Kephi is safe and is doing well. We were all studious but she was the most academic. But I am rambling, you came all this way for the fish, not my old academy stories. If there was some rare ocean fish here in the west I'd bet that you could catch one here. Try to find a spot as far out on the water as you can.
When you return with the fish Sefra's feathers! Did you pull up the damn Seacat? No, it might look like a monster but that is definitely a fish! Your service to this compendium is without question. I might even consider you an honorary member of the little Esoterim for your efforts. I'm sure Kephi wouldn't mind and Zaskia... well I am not sure where he is to be honest. Probably skulking around some graves I'd wager. ... Now my friend Kephi told me of a temple deep inside the Charwood forest to the south. I would much like to haev a gander. I feel strangely drawn to it. I would be very glad if you wanted to join me there next.
If you exchange the fish Much appreciated, Khelim! Down into my aquarium it goes!

Jade Urn Pavillion Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to Sebastih Baht Billows What a sight to share with a friend. At this point I hope I am not mistaken to consider you as such. What a great structure all the way out here in the forest. It reminds me of the temple fishmarket back home. But if that home no longer had the busyness of everyday life. Gone the fisherfolk, gone the briny smell, gone the lights of amber. In this place, I cannot help but feel an eerily familiar cobalt sorrow. I am unsure if we will catch anything here. But you have surprised me before, friend.
When you return with the fish Sefra's feathers! Is that even a fish, friend? Or just a pile of wet ruin-goo? It does not even have a mouth! But...those eyes. This creature makes me wildly uncomfortable. I'd wager no one back home has seen such a thing. I am hesitant to accept But I did make a vow to complete my compendium. Should I leave this foul thing out? Or should I study it further..? I suppose the decision is yours, friend. Give it to me if you think I should study it, otherwise you can just throw it back. In any case, there are a couple of more catches that I have been searching for. I think I'll stay here for a while longer. Try to figure things out. I'll be heading west into Charwood soon. There are some old derelict shacks there by a lake, I'll meet you there...
If you exchange the fish Hideous, yet now that I study it closer I cannot help but find it just a bit fascinating. In a macabre sort of way. Yes... I will study this creature further. I can tell it has secrets just laying in wait behind those glassy eyes...

Charwood Forest Dialogue

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When you first speak to Sebastih Baht Billows, if you did exchange the Many-eyed Gloomfish Hmmm. And then... Yes the taste... So much of it makes sense now! Apologies, I was preoccupied by my notes on this monstrosity you caught for me last we spoke. I have drawn hundreds of diagrams since then! Detailing the ever changing inner workings of this THING. It is unlike any fish or sea-dwelling creature I have laid my eyes upon... Now only the final test on my curious treasure remains. The taste... Why don't you go off and try and catch me something rare here in the woods. I think I heard something about a mystical salmon. Now I must give this specimen my undivided attention.
When you first speak to Sebastih Baht Billows if you did not exchange the Many-eyed Gloomfish Friend!! My heart is all aflutter from excitement every time I see you approach. Because I know that I will soon have another extraordinary fish to add to, at this point I should call this our compendium. With my condition, my fear of water, I think deep down part of me suspected that my dream would remain as such forever. Would you allow me to tell you a story before you effortlessly catch another legend?
I believe I have told you a bit about the Pike King's Gift festival in Billows. I attended my first one when I was very young. I remember sitting on my brother's shoulders as we watched father pull up this giant halibut. It nearly broke his rod! And I saw how his friends and the other residents patted his back and cheered him on. But what impacted me most was the smile on his face. At that point in time he was happy, an inner pride that I rarely saw in him.
I snuck out that night. I was much too young to compete in the festival, but I desperately wanted my father to see my catch and for me to look at him with the same smile that he gave me. I was foolish. But children are fools. I borrowed my father's rod and stood out there by the rushing river, shivering in the cold. If anyone would have walked by they would have scarcely seen me standing there for no moonlight shone that night. I remember feeling something snag onto my hook. It could have been a fish or a stray branch. Nevertheless the force of the impact sent me tumbling down head-first into the rapids.
I awoke days later, my brother pushing feverishly on my chest. I do not know how I survived so long, but I remember things. Dreams, I suppose. My drowning mind conjured images of a wet and horrid swamp. I was constantly treading water, the rotten swamp-ooze pooling in my mouth as soon as I tried to rest. Giant, impossibly large trees stretched upwards on the horizon, always seeming to be further away no matter how long I swam. And the smell...No, the stench. I remember it well, as if it was real. The same smell as the disgusting creature that you caught the other day. This is not a thing that I confide often, but you have helped me. So I thought that you deserved to know where my fear stemmed from.
Haha, look at me oversharing. You came to help me catch fish! As you always do. There is a mystical salmon that have been sighted in the area! It would be a welcome palate cleanser from the last fish, wouldn't you say?
When you next speak to Sebastih Baht Billows if you did not exchange the Many-eyed Gloomfish There is a mystical salmon that have been sighted in the area! It would be a welcome palate cleanser from the last fish, wouldn't you say?
When you return with the fish, if you did exchange the Many-eyed Gloomfish I know this taste... Oh Sefra I know it! I remember it! I remember it all! I have tasted this before so long ago. Haha, oh! You are back with the fish. You may keep it. This compendium is worthless compared to the path that this wonderful specimen has lead me down! I will need some time to finalize my notes properly. Meet outside Kasa in Siram fields. We shall head in there together to celebrate our serendipitous discovery...
When you return with the fish, if you did not exchange the Many-eyed Gloomfish Haha, and I never doubted you for a second. Friend, you truly are a fisher worthy of the name. Only one spot remains in the compendium! I will be heading towards Kasa. I heave heard much about the city but I have never actually visited. Why don't you meet me outside Siram fields? We can walk in and have some tea before we start!
If you exchange the fish, if you did not exchange the Many-eyed Gloomfish Much appreciated, Khelim! Down into my aquarium it goes!

Siram Fields Dialogue

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When you first speak to Sebastih Baht Billows, if you did exchange the Many-eyed Gloomfish The city appears closed. But I am glad you made it. I need something delivered and you are the only one I trust to do it. My research is complete! And the things I know now were pre-ordained long long ago. I have learned things that I would have never known in Billows or in Rivenleaf. You did not place me on this path, but you made sure that I followed through with it. Haha, it's enough to make my head spin. I have found another partner who has expressed an interest in funding further delves into depths unchartered. I would like you to take it to my discrete patron, their representative will be waiting in the Voice's Tavern, on the shore of Little Slip. And with that our dealings will be done, I must isolate myself and dedicate my undivided attention to my research.
When you first speak to Sebastih Baht Billows if you did not exchange the Many-eyed Gloomfish Friend, I may have been hasty in my expedition into the city. The gate appears to be closed, blocking our passage and our final catch. The specimin I was looking for was a beautiful and rare squid known as the Sweet Sylla. Supposedly it is only found inside the city itself. Which presents an issue when we can't actually enter said city. Hmm, I'm stumped actually. Perhaps we should just wait? It has to open sooner or later. Right?
When you return with the fish, if you did not exchange the Many-eyed Gloomfish Sefra's feathers! You caught one? You actually caught one? Are you quite certain that you're not actually a Sefra in disguise? Is this some fable where I'm going to be turned into a fish at the end?
No? Then with the notes of this squid I hereby pronounce our compendium.
Now...I would like to give a copy of the first draft to Kephi back at West Wind Shores. I have sent word to her, she'll be expecting you with a gift for your efforts. It's something I asked her to hold onto a long time ago. And thank you once more. This is as much your compendium as it is mine. Arguably more so yours!
The man smiles at you, his eyes
full of pride and gratitude. Very
different from the skittish man
you first met in Traveller's Meadow.
If you exchange the fish Much appreciated, Khelim! Down into my aquarium it goes!


Sebastih is a fish documentor from Billows who is attempting to knot a compendium of all the fish around Braided Shore. In Billows he once participated in a fishing contest called the Pike King's Festival. Even though he is researching fish, he have a slight aversion to water, and is afraid of travelling across water by boat.

At some point Sebastih studied briefly at Rivenleaf and became friends with Junior Apprentice Kephi and Zaskia Aël - the three students called themselves 'the little Esoterim'.
