Zaskia Aël

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The quality of the blade itself matters little, it will merely be a vessel for the experiment. If you are indeed a friend of knowledge then I would ask that you bring me a creature's bones and a blade.

Zaskia Aël

Zaskia Aël appears in graveyards at night, most commonly in Bat Saha. He is a key figure in the Gravedigger's Quest



When you present Zaskia with a type of bone and a sword, he will give you a Bonebound Blade of a corresponding variety.

Aha! My friend! It worked! My theory might gain some validation at last! There is power in bones, locked away like a swarm of bees trapped in a clay jar. Break the jar and you free the bees. Grind bones to dust and you unleash their power. My theory is that since bones are resistant to mystical energies, they are also resistant to The Winds. Imagine someone pushing desperately against a door, then imagine someone else opening it. The first person will come crashing through. The same applies to Winds and bones. The Winds desperately try to affect bones and yet they cannot. Then we weaken the bones by grinding them up and help The Winds gain a grasp on the powder. Blow the bonemeal onto a blade and the winds will imprint the memories of the bone's past owner. The freshness of the bonemeal seems to be of paramount importance. Ah, forgive me for my ramblings, many questions yet remain. If you find any more bones, please bring them to me!

If you encounter him again, he will say

We meet again Friend. Do you perchance come bearing more bones? Ibelieve the bones of different animals may give your weapon different properties. I would gather the bones I need myself but I am afraid what the locals would do if they caught me with them. If you are indeed a friend of knowledge then I would ask that you bring me a creature's bones and a blade. The quality of the blade itself matters little, it will merely be a vessel for the experiment.


You approach me quite casually Khelim. I assume then that you are not here to chase me away? Maybe you have not yet been told to steer clear of me...or maybe I have found a kindred soul? My name is Zaskia. I was once a grave digger you see. An uncommon proffession as most Asken folk prefer to rest in urns. But there are certain outliars, and for them I dug many graves and buried many bones. Even with my mundane work I've always held a fascination for the mystical arts. I even studied in Rivenleaf for a time but it didn't work out in the end. One day I was reading up on the effects that mystical energies have on different materials and osmething resonated with me. Bone is highly resistent to most forms of magic and yet Mystics have no clear answer as to why. While I was burying bones day in and day out, that passage kept circling around in my mind. A crab made out of thoughs, scurrying around inside my head. I could not stop myself from experimenting which some people misunderstood and I gained a bit of a poor reputation. I would gather the bones I need myself but I am afraid what the locals would do if they caught me. If you are indeed a friend of knowledge then I would ask that you bring me a creature's bones and a blade.