Magdra Ghal

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My name is Magdra Ghal. I request a duel!

Warden Apprentice.png

Magdra Ghal is also known as the Warden Apprentice.


Magdra Ghal roams along roads and is available for dueling.



Magdra Ghal provides information of how wardens pass their ritual of initiation and what they do to prepare to be wardens as they are not yet a full warden.


When you speak to Magdra Ghal the first time Hail, Traveller! Many grueling tests I have endured this last season...The next one I must face is to wade across the Slip, crescent held high in honour of my rite of passage. My circumstance therefore demands that I challenge you to fight me. Will you accept?
If you speak to Magdra Ghal a second time I must overcome the challenges my master has ordained before I am rewarded the bells marking me out as a warden. I am afraid I still have some ways to go...Good luck on your journey, Wanderer. If we meet down the road, I would ask that you challenge me to duel again. You would be doing me a favour.

Walk By Dialogue

If you beat Magdra Ghal in a duel *Sigh* Not again...I can't bear another setback...
If you lose to Magdra Ghal in a duel I won?
Holy, jumping Sefra!