Master and Apprentice

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Mystic and Apprentice.png

The Silent Mystic Quietwise and her extremely talkative apprentice wander around the map


  • Silent Mystic
  • Extroverted Apprentice


NPC Dialogue

Silent Mystic Dialogue


If you use Unveil, the Brew of Hidden Cries, or are wearing a Spirit band, the Silent Mystic will speak to you.


Extroverted Apprentice Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with him the first time Hello, Wanderer! Have you met my master? She is mighty famous! Her nickname at university is 'Quietwise'! We are walking the woods together! Been doing so for several seasons in fact. Master promises to teach me everything! I can't wait to learn. I guess she just takes a while to warm up? What do you think?
When you speak with him the second time My parents are really wealthy Merchants. I'm the third oldest son...They sent me to the academy to learn to be a Mystic. My older sister will take over the shop. My youngest wants to go to sea. They also donated a large sum to the esoteric faculty. My classmates joke about that being the reason why I'm getting special treatment. That's not what I think!
Do you?
My mother says I'm really talented...I think you need to be really talented to learn to become a wise Mystic. What do you think? As soon as my master starts teaching me, I will learn lots. It can't be long now before she starts sharing her wisdoms.

Walk By Dialogue

Extroverted Apprentice Walk By Dialogue

How am I doing, master?
