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Whether or not it is a past you cherish or a despise, your background affects who you are and will influence your future. Your wanderer's age and gender does not affect gameplay and is included solely for any roleplaying purpose you choose to pursue when enacting your character.

Might and Delight

There are multiple upbringings you may choose from for your character in Book of Travels. As of March 2022, they do not affect gameplay.


"Growing up in the farmlands, you learned at an early age how to work the fields, care for livestock and read the shifting seasons."

Option Screen Character Card Origin 01.png

Small Town

"You grew up in a small settlement, learning to tend your parents' vegetable garden and heed the individual peculiarities of neighbouring villagers."

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Big Urban

"You grew up in a large city, learning the business relationships between trade, craft, supply and demand and the many faceted rules of the city's streets and alleys."

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"Your youth was spent in apprenticeship, learning the trade of your parents. You have a good understanding of the nature of stone, wood and metal."

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"Your child spirit was open to the mysteries. You spent your youth learning to control your mystic gifts."

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"You have little recollection of your past, nor how you lost your memory. Unburdened by any dark memories, still you imagine you know something of what it is to be an uprooted tree."

Option Screen Character Card Origin 06.png


"You were raised as a cub amongst bandits, learning the tricks and skills necessary to live outside of gentle society."

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"A child of a seaborne family, you spent most of your youth on ocean-going vessels learning the language of the waves and the weather."

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"You grew up in mountainous terrain, tending goats, climbing rocks, exploring caves and listening to silent beat of the mountain's heart."

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"You grew up on an island, shore fishing, gathering driftwood and pondering the mysteries of the tides and the endless horizon."

Option Screen Character Card Origin 10.png


"Lacking nothing in care and comfort, you have enjoyed a privileged childhood as a Highborn, bred to shoulder the responsibility of keeping the secrets of engineering and Master Iron."

Option Screen Character Card Origin 11.png


"Like so many other children of the destitute or unfortunate, for you, going to sleep cold and hungry was the norm rather than the exception. Still you survived where many perished."

Option Screen Character Card Origin 12.png


"You were raised under the influence of religious believers. After a childhood governed by strict rules and constant judgement, you are now free to pursue your own ways of worship."

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"You spent your childhood as the property of others. Without freedom to choose, you took learnings from every encounter. At freedom's door, and for the first time, you now stand ready to make your own life choices."

Option Screen Character Card Origin 14 .png