Knots of Thankful Wishes Exchanges

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Here are all the Quests or interactions with NPCs that gives you the Knot of thankful wishes.

Spoiler Alert

Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.


"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."


Location NPC Exchange Knot Reward Additional Reward Notes
Myr Bitter Bridge Builder Wood, rope, or stone items depending on the day, see NPC page for more details 1 None Resident
Crossings Mourner Any Flower 3 Only on Sunday during the day
Charwood Forest Runaway Teenagers: Thirsty Youngster Any Cider 1 Small roasted snake Intermittent
Charwood Forest Runaway Teenagers:Restless Teenager Pouch of spiced chewing tobacco 1 Bundle of common wheat Intermittent
Wanderer Locations House Pelgen Botanist Lilies 1 Cedar peg for lutes Intermittent
Wanderer Locations House Pelgen Botanist Night-scented jessamine 1 Solid cedar lute tailpiece Intermittent
Kasa Amaru Rimri Bag of soil, Purse of rich soil, Fine teaflower soil 1 Fresh tomato Resident
Kasa Amaru Rimri Bottle of Soil 1 3 Fresh tomatoes Resident
Kasa Amaru Rimri Small purse of Wall soil 1 Pale ivy roots Resident
Crossings Dubious Apprentice Specific official blocks of metal, see NPC page for more details 2 Resident
Kuro Orchard Kuro Orchard Playful Child Any Nail 1 Resident during the day
Siram Fields Sick Musician Any Beverage 1
Alken Rock Coast Old Fisher Any bait 1 Intermittent
Various Thirsty Traveller Any cider 2 Intermittent
Crossings Mason Any stone 1 Intermittent


Starting Location Starting NPC Concluding NPC Quest Name Knot Reward Additional Reward Notes
Bat Saha Harbour Master's Assistant Memet Crom Deliver a love poem 1 Resident
Bat Saha House Yehan Baronite House Yehan Highborn Cog delivery 1 Resident during the day
Bat Saha Ninian Turikett Ninian Turikett Omin's Pebble Quest 5 Omin Pebble Resident during the day on weekdays. Not repeatable
Kasa Post Master Rivenu Various Deliver the Mail 1 Resident
Bat Saha Undercover Warden Conductor Deliver the Undercover Warden's Report 1 Resident
Wanderer Locations Remorseful Spell Weaver Remorseful Spell Weaver Deliver an Old Umber Lake frog Quest 2 Intermittent
Kuro Orchard Variable Concerned Lighthouse Keeper Deliver Cobalt-glazed tile shards 1 Candle, Box of alken ore Resident
Kuro Orchard Mill Worker Mill Worker Deliver the Willow nuts quest 1 Crude wooden toy Resident
Wanderer Locations Niemi Niemi Child's hero 1 Drawing of a child's hero Nonrepeatable
Wanderer Locations Treasure-seeking adventurer Treasure-seeking adventurer Treasure-seeking Quest 5 Bakar crescent earrings Intermittent
Crossings Assistant Shop Keep Assistant Shop Keep Deliver Wheat Flour to Crossings 1 Resident
Myrt Variable Variable Myrt Tea Auction Quest 5-10 Variable Resident at dawn on Monday and Thursday
Town Locations Variable Variable Deliver A Kettem Crux Quest 3-5 Variable Variable
The Cistern Ambitious Scholar Torn piece of an ancient cloak Deliver a torn piece of an ancient cloak 5 Not repeatable
Crossings Knot Binder Ethel Knot Binder Ethel Deliver a Maisu ghost string Quest 4 1 Vial of Unyielding Might Resident during the day
Crossings Knot Binder Ethel Knot Binder Ethel Deliver a Ghost cat hairball Quest 5 Ritual Shiv Resident during the day
The Burnings Bad-tempered Lute Player Bad-tempered Lute Player Deliver cinnabar bites 2 Bundle of lute strings Resident
Town Locations Chief Engineer/Humnabell Nehm Chief Engineer/Humnabell Nehm Deliver a Master iron cog 20 Variable Intermittent
Kasa Cocky Looter Sik Return Sik's stolen necklace quest 1 Resident at night
The Cistern Aged Sewer-man Aged Sewer-man Return the marble ribbon quest 1 Resident
Travellers' Meadow Sebastih Baht Billows Sebastih Baht Billows Fish Compendium 10 Variable Not repeatable
Crossings Tailor Apprentice Tailor Apprentice Deliver Kasa silk 1 Resident
Wanderer Locations Insecure Gang Member Insecure Gang Member Combat Practice 2 Intermittent
Clearing B'vinn Baht Osso Post Master Rivenu Deliver the Weekly missive 2 Not repeatable
Wanderer Locations Moss Enthusiast Moss Enthusiast Deliver the Ancient moss covered knot 10
Crossings Crossings Warden Crossings Warden 10


Location NPC Endeavour Type Knot Reward Additional Reward
Teahouses Troubled Person +2 Endeavour Symbol Mechanical.png 1
Roadside Locations Mechanics Faculty Pupils +6 Endeavour Symbol Mechanical.png 5 Fine machine cog
Town Locations Mournful Relative +2 Endeavour Symbol Mechanical.png 1