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Stands in their market stall, Polished Facets, during the day in Kasa.

For Sale

They usually have 16 items at a time.

Not all of these items appear at once and goes through a rotation.


Sik is the key NPC who concludes the Return Sik's stolen necklace quest


How long has it been since they closed the city? Every night desperate folk come to raid my stall. I've implored the Wardens to do extra rounds here at night but they've spread themselves thin trying to keep people from leaving. How much longer can this last?

If you return their necklace:

Is that? It is! My heart sank when I saw my store ransacked this morning. But getting even a small piece of it back gives me some relief. Bless your Lifewind, Traveller!

Vellan Messages

Polished Facets-Gems and Jewelry