Assistant Shop Keep

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Assistant Shop Keep.png


The Assistant Shop Keep works in the right-hand side of Shopkeeper Rihan's store in Crossings. They can be found there day or night.



Speaking to the Assistant Shop Keep begins the Deliver Wheat Flour to Crossings Quest.


When you speak to the Assistant Shop Keep for the first time How may I help you, Khelim? I'm afraid we never seem to have enough flour in storage...Why not bring me back a bag of wheat flour from the Kuro Orchard Mill, should you pass by there.
When you speak to the Assistant Shop Keep for the second time Welcome back, Khelim. I'm afraid we never seem to have enough flour in storage....Why not bring me back a bag of wheat flour from the Kuro Orchard Mill, should you pass by there.

Walk By Dialogue

If you have Bag of wheat flour in your inventory. You have some fine flour, it seems?