Char Smith Apprentices

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Resting Char Smith Apprentices.png

The Char Smith Apprentices agreed to become Charsmith Sen Vaska's apprentices, and stay in the room above his shop.


  • Dubious Apprentice
  • Junior Apprentice
  • Worryless Apprentice


Dubious Apprentice wants official blocks of metal and will give you 2 Knot of thankful wishes.

Here are some items that the Dubious Apprentice has been known to accept


Dubious Apprentice Dialogue

Spoiler Alert

Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Speaking to the Dubious Apprentice for the first time *Klink. Klank. Klink. Klank.* Phew, this smithing business is hard work. Come closer Khelim...Don't let the others hear us. The rest of the apprentices don't seem to see the real value in smithing. I've got a little side business going on that I could use your help with. You see, there are these measuring cubes that are all union sanctioned. Traders use them to weigh products. Now these weights need to be precise or else a customer could be tricked into handing off too much for too little. It would be a shame if someone with precise smithing skills and now high quality tools at their disposal would happen to alter the weight of measuring cubes. It would be even more of a shame if they then traded them off to underhanded traders for a profit. And Winds forbid a Khelim helped them accomplish this by bringing them measuring cubes...Do you feel my tailwind, Khelim?

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Speaking to the Dubious Apprentice after exchanging an item Yes, this will do magnificently. If the unions didn't want me tampering with their weights then they shouldn't have made it this easy! Or profitable...hehe.

Junior Apprentice Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Speaking to the Junior Apprentice for the first time The charsmith who owns this place; Sen Vaska, let us stay here as long as we agreed to become his apprentices. I think he is afraid that New Foundry's machines are going to kill his profession. We apprentices have to be some desperate attempt at passing his dying craft to a new generation. Haha, well as long as he keeps feeding us and lets us stay in his spare room, I don't mind.

Worryless Apprentice Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Speaking to the Worryless Apprentice for the first time I sometimes drink tea of the evening and tea of the morning at the same time and have them battle it out inside my body.