Humnabell Nehm

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Humnabell Nehm.png

Humnabell Nehm travels to different towns accompanied by his House Nehm assistant showing off his invention: the steam automobile. Humnabell may be of noble birth as he is clearly acting on behalf of House Nehm, one of the three great noble houses of the Braided Shore.




Humnabell Nehm is a potential resolution to the Deliver a Master iron cog Quest


Humnabell Nehm Dialogue

When you speak to Humnabell Nehm Step up! Step up! Let me demonstrate my wonder: The steam automobile! Ride unfettered by rails! Defy the overzealous speed limits of the Train Sentries safety regulations!

If you have a Master Iron item in your inventory Aha, you own a Master Iron item. Nomad! Will you trade it to me?
If you trade the Master Iron item to Humnabell Nehm Very good, Nomad! On behalf of the House of Nehm, thank you!

House Nehm assistant Dialogue

Hello there, Wanderer...My master insists on doing all the talking when we are promoting his invention...

Bystander Dialogue

Humnabell Nehm's presence in cities causes NPCs within it to speak unique dialogue relating to him. Because of this certain NPCs are not able to provide important dialogue and quests.

Has everyone seen Humnabell's steam automobile? I can't wait to ride on one!
Humnabell Nehm, the highborn inventor what a genius he is!
Have you seen the Nehm highborn's latest invention? He is demonstrating it right now!