House Yehan Baronite

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House Yehan Baronite is an NPC found in Bat Saha, The Gilded Telescope.



Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak to the House Yehan Baronite Well met, Wanderer! I am a merchant Baronite of the glorious house of Yehan. I am looking for a courier that can take a much needed machine part to my house mistress in Myr. Are you heading in that direction? The house of Yehan would reward you for your trouble.
If you accept the quest from the House Yehan Baronite My thanks! Please deliver the machine part to Baronet Yehan Jazela, currently supervising maintenance of a broken down ship in Myr. You will probably only find her there during the day. The highborn has a thing against working at night, if you did not know. Safe travels!