Rivenleaf University

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RIvenleaf University Map.png

Rivenleaf is a great seat of learning for both the mystical and the mundane. It lies far, far to the North

May also be known as Rivenleaf Academy, University of Rivenleaf, and Rivenleaf School of History and Higher Education. The former castle of the Hab Dynasty during the Third Age with towering spires and a grand portcullis [1], now a university the size of a city devoted to both magical and scientific disciplines.[2] Its size makes it even more incredible that much of its structure is built out of rainstone. [3] Like a city, Rivenleaf is rumored to have a city ring, its ring is rumored to be made of rainstone or master iron. [4]


Theoretical vs. field

Rivenleaf researchers appear divided into those who specialize in theory and those who work in the field. However, these divisions are not absolute. [5]

Research organization

Rivenleaf appears to be a hierarchical institution with students working as assistants and apprentices under established scholars. Sometimes this can mean a one on one master-apprentice relationship [6] or working as part of a large research team [7]. Scholarships are available to aspiring students and may be applied for. [8] Rivenleaf University has three separate faculties for the magic arts: Knot binding, Brew Mastery and Wind Voicing. [9] Master-apprentice relationships are common among Mystic graduates of Rivenleaf, who are generally obliged to take an apprentice either one of the students of the University or from the outside. The apprentice takes on the role of a personal attendant and research assistant. [10]

Apprentices can live in small apprentice cells on campus[11] but may also travel into the field. Some apprentices may live away from Rivenleaf and their supervisors and conduct research independently, however others may work closely on site with their supervisors. [12] Some junior researchers may be assigned to research projects by their masters rather than choosing to sign on [13] and some apprentices are unable to leave their research assignment without being able to publish work that makes them scholars in their own right.[14] In any case, apprentices and assistants do the majority of the fieldwork, including the most tedious and dangerous, for their masters.

Despite the hierarchical structure, the attitude of apprentices and assistants can vary widely. Some are deferential to their master's authority and knowledge [15], others do their work while conducting their own research on the side with the hope of establishing themselves independently in their chosen field [16], and others secretly work against the interests of their supervisors [17]

Intellectual conflicts and controversies

Rivenleaf, like any large intellectual community, is drawn into both internal intellectual differences of opinion and external debates with other organizations. Known conflicts include one with the Grower's Union about whether a tomato is a vegetable or a fruit, [18] and what the side effects of consuming Amanita mushrooms is and whether all the mushrooms we identify as amanita are just one species with variable effects or if there are many similar looking mushrooms that are different species. [19] In addition, those scholars who adhere to tradition and do not wish to change their conceptual frameworks fiercely oppose scholars like High Archeologist Myrak who propose new concepts in the academic community's understanding of history. [20]

Ongoing scholarly research

Prominent Scholars of Rivenleaf


To Discipline and Punish

Despite its prestige, Rivenleaf, like any university, has students who prefer to sleep through classes and has developed many devices and rules to guard against students' inattention from bells on the end of walking sticks [21] to banning feather padded bracers because students were using them as pillows during boring lectures. [22]

Student Attire

The attire of students is very important and indicates students' seniority and status.

Prospective students

Prospective students carry a marble coloured bag emblazoned with a sulphur peacock crest.[23]

Junior students

All junior students wear a marble cloak to symbolize their novice status. [24] They also wear a marble tunic and sew a patch on the chest to indicate which branch of learning they are studying. [25] First-season students wear a Pale cobalt band to indicate their beginner status. They make a stitch inside the band every day to mark another day finished in their studies. They use the thread colour associated with their faculty. Junior students also wear a marble skull cap. [26]

Senior students

Senior students wear sulphur robes which represent the commitment and time they have devoted to their studies. [27]


When a scholar graduates with a mastery in more than one subject, they are presented with a gold ring with a master-iron plate in the shape of the Rivenleaf Crest. [28]

Campus life

Many professors and some students enjoy chewing char flower which indicates mastery of learning. [29]

Rivenleaf and the Hab Dynasty

Rivenleaf University was founded when Or Hab the last scion of the Hab family vanished without a trace from their family home, Rivenleaf Castle. As Or Hab met their presumed demise without an heir, the castle and the magnificent library that the Habs had acquired were bequeathed to the good friend of Or Hab, the mystic Kampopos. Kampopos' apprentices would found the institution that became Rivenleaf University [30]

Persistence of Hab Dynasty Customs

In keeping with the founding of Rivenleaf, the university has preserved many of the trappings of the Hab dynasty. The university guards have not changed their equipment since the Third Age and their swords still bear the peacock sigil of the Hab dynasty.[31] The Order of the Peacock which was once the royal guard of the Habs of Rivenleaf has become a scholarly society open only to the valedictorians of Rivenleaf[32] Keeping their junior student marble cap spotless is something aspiring Order of the Peacock members take great pride in.[33]

Unsolved Mysteries

Or Hab's disappearance led to the formation of a cult that dates back to the founding of Rivenleaf. Its insignia is that of a the eye of a cephalopod. The cult believes in a secret library below Rivenleaf Castle that only the chosen can enter. [34] Rivenleaf also holds in its vaults the ominous Fall Gem Key that Mer Hab once found in the bowels of Rivenleaf Castle during the Third Age and led to a dangerous and unresolved obsession with what this key unlocked. [35]Riverfield is a place that may or may not have once existed but that Rivenleaf teachers discourage speculation about. [36]


  • ???

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While exploring Mountain's Secret, it's possible to come across a Gate Weaver holding open a restrictive gate to Rivenleaf. Nearby are several important Rivenleaf academics including Spirit Naturalist Professor Cavo Linhea


Me and Efan are out here on Wind Master Karimn's errand to study the mystic properties of the winds. But the thuds of the kettem-steps keeps us from our work and our sleep...I sure miss my warm and comparatively quiet apprentice cell back in Rivenleaf. If we could only find a way to rid the area of the kettems...To tell you the truth, I find the kettems a more fascinating study than the wind-foils. I am collecting all the facts about them I can. I think I have enough material in my notes to soon present an article on them. If I do well it could be my ticket out of here, Winds willing.

I was assigned to this expedition by my Masters at the university. I'm more of a theorist than a field student...Exciting stuff this.

Yes, the university City of Rivenleaf is a site to behold for sure.

"History Professor Myrak of Rivenleaf" in"Stories of Everyday Life"

But I always dreamed about studying the esoteric sciences. This place brings out the those feelings in me even more. One of these days I will demand to be allowed to go to Rivenleaf and apply for a scholarship.

There is an ongoing debate between the Rivenleaf Academy and the Growers' Union whether this is in fact a fruit or a vegetable. The researchers at Rivenleaf stand behind that it is a fruit but the Growers are still holding their vegetable ground.

The myth of the Or Hab Cult dates back to the founding of the Rivenleaf academy when Or, the last of the Hab line mysteriously disappeared, leaving their ancestral home of Rivenleaf castle standing vacant. The castle with its magnificent library was granted to the wise mystic and previous friend of Or Hab: Kamampos whose apprentices would later come to found the academy. Stories of the Or Hab cult began to sprout not long after, rumours about a secret library underneath Rivenleaf which only the chosen could gain access to. Still to this day in hushed whispers, the students of Rivenleaf debate what one could do to be considered "chosen".

A teacher's pointing rod used in many lecture halls at Rivenleaf. There's a bell at the end of the stick to ensure the attention of even the drowsiest of students.

The guards of Rivenleaf have worn some variation of their original equipment since the late third age.
This string blade still bears the peacock sigil of the Hab Dynasty on its pommel.

A marble cloak worn by junior students of the Rivenleaf University. The marble cloth represents their humble beginnings into the world of academics.

The real origin behind the Fall Gem Key is unknown but it has hung in the back of the vaults of Rivenleaf as long as anyone can remember. Among many other mystical artifacts that have been locked away, this key hangs alone and isolated. Ominous legends among Rivenleaf students tell of Mer Hab who found the key deep in the bowels of the castle. He tried the key on every door, every chest and cabinet in his castle, searching for the lock it belonged to. His curiosity turned obsession when lock after lock rejected the key and when no lock fit in the castle he stormed through the surrounding villages on a mad rampage, checking every lock he could in an incident which came to be known as the Season of Shut Locks.

It is said that the search ended when Mer was found one morning, the key planted deep into his own heart. It is said that the key has not been touched since for fear of the madness it may once more unleash.

Seirennis, wandering Storyteller. Replica Fall Gem Key pendant

There is a recipe for making glass in the Rivenleaf library, but apparently the sand in Braided Shore is not suitable for glassmaking.

When a mystic graduates Rivenleaf it is common for them to take on an apprentice, either from those still in training at the University or from an outside source. The job of the apprentice is to squire for the Mystic and assist in any magical experiments. This has a tendency to mean carrying the equipment of the Mystic.

The official uniform robe of a senior student at the Rivenleaf academy. The sulphur robe differs from the marble robes worn by junior students and represents their commitment to learning and the passage of time that they have spent at the academy.

Folk who want to be perceived as learned chew on Char Flower petals and the practice has become popular among older folk of high standing. Many professors as well as a few students of the Rivenleaf Academy have a distinct smelling breath and the inside of their mouths are stained char as a result of the flower.

Do have I a story to tell, Khelim! You won't believe me! I am...Or used to be...Or perhaps I will be..? A mystic's apprentice....My master is experimenting with time portalling, and I'm the one she sends to test her spells. I must say, portalling back and forth in time has given me a couple of unexpected revelations...The first one is scientific and quite revolutionary...I'm sure you have heard of this new fangled pseudo science called astronomy? Well, colour it pseudo no more! And I am the proof! You might find this hard to believe, but you and I are in fact standing but my master's university laboratory in Rivenleaf!

A replica of the ceremonial half-cloak worn by the Order of the Peacock, who served faithfully as the royal guards for the Hab family of Rivenleaf.
In present day, the order has become a prestigious group that valedictorians at Rivenleaf can join, as recognition of their scholarly talents.

A bag commonly worn by prospective scholars of Rivenleaf. The bag is completely marble apart from a sulphur crest of a peacock on the back.

Vellan Messages

