Esoteric Union Official

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They can be found in cities near Teahouses


As a representative of the Mystic's union, please let me welcome you to Braided Shore. If my second sight does not mislead me, I can sense that you have some magic in you... Don't be shy to ask any of the Union members for advice on mystical topics. Rivenleaf University has three separate faculties for the magic arts; Knot binding, Brew Mastery and wind Voicing. Each art form has different requirements and none are exclusive... A person can be talented in several of the mystic arts. I comes down to a mix of natural born-affinity, devotion and personal taste.

When the Coroners opens the ferry lines and roads to the North, you really must visit the magnificent University city of Rivenleaf. I hope to see you there sometime. If you visit, you will find me in the University administration temple, 2nd floor, Union promotion & representation department. Farewell Khelim.