- Shady Entrepreneur at the Night Market
The real origin behind the Fall Gem Key is unknown but it has hung in the back of the vaults of Rivenleaf as long as anyone can remember. Among many other mystical artifacts that have been locked away, this key hangs alone and isolated. Ominous legends among Rivenleaf students tell of Mer Hab who found the key deep in the bowels of the castle. He tried the key on every door, every chest and cabinet in his castle, searching for the lock it belonged to. His curiosity turned obsession when lock after lock rejected the key and when no lock fit in the castle he stormed through the surrounding villages on a mad rampage, checking every lock he could in an incident which came to be known as the Season of Shut Locks.
It is said that the search ended when Mer was found one morning, the key planted deep into his own heart. It is said that the key has not been touched since for fear of the madness it may once more unleash.