Granny Ironlegs

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Nowadays you see chubby little kids waddling around, when they even have the strength to waddle! Not that it's their fault, no, kids will eat anything sweet. It's the parents who are responsible for stuffing their children's faces with sugar and fat! When we, of a healthier generation were young, we used to hike out into the woods and climb to the top of gnarled trees for wild honey. Then we'd all melt it in a big pot of water and the result was like drinking the milk of a Sefra...

What is it with the youth always running everywhere? It's as if their brains have moved out of their heads and into their legs! They run here and there, never stopping to appreciate what's around them.


Old Ruba (also called Granny Ironlegs by her students) was an infamous Academy Curator known for her bitter temper and gaudy hats.