High Archeologist Myrak

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Some kind of spirit you say, Professor?

High Archeologist Myrak is one of the rare NPCs who appear in two locations.



Kuro Orchard

I am professor Myrak from Rivenleaf University, be careful where you tread! This is sacred ground, historically speaking..! The deep foundations of this site dates back to the ages of the Elden..! Hmm... Come to think of it... I might have to clarify an earlier age because most of my recent finds... Should I name it "The Pre historic age"... "Age Zero" sounds a little pretentious, would you agree?

Mountain's Secret

A wanderer? Here? I am High Archaeologist Myrak as you might know. This is my university colleague, Professor Linhea, the Spirit Naturalist. We are quite dedicated to our task at hand, so please keep your voice down. Step lightly, Wanderer...


Take note, Khelim!
Spoiler frog.png This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

High Archaeologist Myrak is a well known but also controversial figure in the subject of history. He is in charge of overseeing and seeking new discoveries of the mysteries in the past directly, allowing them to define and update his new findings. While some are eager to hear their latest reports on a matter[1], many criticize and dislike Myrak for going against traditionally agreed theories.[2]

Currently in Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, Myrak appears in two events.

Their first event is to excavate, explore and uncover a a new accessible underground cave, presumably beneath Kuro Orchard, which is found to be of Elden kiln. He manages to gain access after finding a shaft that leads to it. Myrak has mostly kept his findings to himself. However, their colleague Zania reports that they heard Myrak occasionally mutter in their sleep about something called The Calling Signs.[3]

The second event he held as an expedition to the Mountain's Secret to find more knowledge of the a tale of a beast that dwells there.

He might also be aligned with the Concerned Lighthouse Keeper and presumably also Master Kharimn, considering they have been donating Cobalt-glazed tile shards to them. Ironically he has been warning and forbidding others in collecting the shards.[4]


Professor Myrak proposes defining and naming new 'transitional era' in The Age of Dynasty; 'The Cobalt Era'. History scholars in Rivenleaf up in arms; calls the professor's suggestion an affront to traditionally agreed upon theories.

History professor Myrak makes further discoveries at his team's dig site in the Milomak outback! This time, the scholar claims to have evidence of a long period between the Varhim people's disappearance and the landfall of the Asken folk, where the Braided Shore was uninhabited by civilised folk. Professor Myrak goes so far as to consider declaring a new transition age between the Varhim Age and the Age of Settlement. Traditionalist historians are objecting however and no official recognition of this classification has yet been passed.

Note to the public: Please don't believe the rumours that appear to be going about regarding valuables buried in the potter's field. You (and your children's) trampling all over the historically important place interferes with our studies of the origins of pottery among the pre-Asken native peoples of Braided Shore!


Yes, the university City of Rivenleaf is a site to behold for sure. But I prefer to muddy my sandals in the field, digging in the dirt and lost ruins for the truth. Sadly, a large part of my time lately is spent in the teahouses, trying in vain to open the eyes of the faculty professors to the implications of my findings in the Potter’s Field and the emerging revelations in the writings on the Maratesh shards! I’m most upended at how the old professors refuse to support new discoveries. That they value the comfort of their reputations as experts rather than embrace curiosity over new evidence is a disgrace to our profession. Knotting these lines, I now realise how I’ve wasted my time. I will grab my shovel and join my servants in the Potter’s Field! Thank you for helping me realise where the true value of my work lies!
