Rivenleaf University Researchers

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Some kind of spirit you say, Professor?

Rivenleaf University Researchers appear randomly in Mountain's Secret.



Gate Weaver Dialogue

Greetings, Wanderer. I am the company's gateweaver. I was assigned to this expedition by my Masters at the university. I'm more of a theorist than a field student...Exciting stuff this. If things get a little bit TOO exciting, I can always gate myself out of here. I was tasked to make the gate only recognise expedition members, though...So if danger looms, you'll have to find an alternate escape route. But please, report any sign of trouble to me and I'll take care of it.

Professor Linhea Dialogue

"Step lightly, Wanderer...We are trying to coax an entity of supposed impressiveness to reveal itself. We have not had much luck as yet...I'm excited about the witness reports of the ghostly visage...Could it be a Sefra, some kind of mountain spirit, maybe? I have seen many spirit creatures in my life's quest of cataloging Omin...There are tales of a Mountain King...Another legend speaks of a Great Serpent and its burrow...I'm hoping the High Archeologist and his aides may find some historical evidence to help me out."

High Archaeologist Myrak Dialogue

"A wanderer? Here? I am High Archaeologist Myrak as you might know. This is my university colleague, Professor Linhea, the Spirit Naturalist. We are quite dedicated to our task at hand, so please keep your voice down. Step lightly, Wanderer..."

Mystic Dialogue

Hello, Khelim. Have you ever seen a spirit in this chamber? This expedition has been organised to learn the truth about its existence...Its nature and character...Should you find any evidence, Professor Linhea will surely be very interested in your findings.."

Watchful Mystic Dialogue

Well met, friend. Don't look at me for any educated answers...I'm here more because of my proficiency with combat spells than my intellectual brilliance. But please, report any signs of trouble to me and I'll take care of it.

Walk By Dialogue

Professor Linhea

It's supposed to be large as a fortress gate, I'm told...