Hired Mystic

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ItemIcon NPC Hired Mystic 01 Medium.png


A Mystic has been hired to survey the Soot Bird Field in Crossings to investigate the cause of a poor harvest that has affected a family of farmers.


If you complete a +3 Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png endeavour, you gain more insight of who might be culprit be in making this structure.


Hired Mystic is involved in the Crossings' Crops quest.


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with the Hired Mystic Greetings, Khelim.

I have been hired to survey this field...That poor family of Farmers over there have had their entire field struck by foul effect of half-Winds...I'm trying to work out how it happened...
Not an easy task.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you pass their Endeavour Ahh.. Yes I see now...

The wind catcher was meant to call down the Southern Wind and make the wheat prosper...
Looking at how the catcher was made I can see it was made by a student... There are some novice mistakes that would lead to impurities in any cardinal Wind...
I might even know who is behind this debacle...
I think I recognise the face of that farmboy from a small painting one of my students have on her dormitory wall...
Poor girl, I do not envy how se will fell when she finds out...
And I have to think on if and how I will communicate this affair to the farmers...
Again, not an easy task...


There are numerous rumors about the Hired Mystic and their associates.