Cobalt Ribbon Gang Gathering

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Cobalt Ribbon Gang Gathering.png

Cobalt Ribbon Gang Gathering is a randomly occurring event found in Harrow Ledge, Harrow Alley, at any time of day.

The Cobalt Ribbons is a notorious criminal organization known for their influence and control in the region. Led by Kalhna Sy, they have established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in the underground world of illicit trade and protection services.


The Cobalt Ribbons is a gang of bandits in western Braided Shore. In the past, the Sy family joined the gang and worked their way up in their ranks, until Hakham Sy became the gang’s leader. Kalhna Sy, the granddaughter of Hakham Sy, now leads the gang.

The Cobalt Ribbons is one of the more peaceful criminal gangs in Braided Shore, and seek to avoid conflict when possible. They are rather focused on making as large a profit as possible. According to the Myrian smuggler, many poor fisherfolk rely on the illicit smuggling profits to survive, making them a necessary part of the survival of the poor in Braided Shore.

However, there are challenges ahead for the Cobalt Ribbon Gang. According to the Cobalt Ribbon Lookout, Chief Warden Hassam has begun unraveling the patterns of their operations, forcing them to be more agile and light on their feet. Additionally, the looming threat of Double Shadow Gang, mentioned by Hakham Sy, poses a potential rival that could jeopardize the gang's dominance in Harrow Ledge.


  • Acquisitions Administrator in Cobalt Ribbon Camp
  • Bat Sahian Merchant near the dock
  • Bat Sahaian Skipper
  • Cobalt Ribbon Gang Member
  • Cobalt Ribbon Guard in Harrow Alley
  • Cobalt Ribbon Lookout at the top of the cliff
  • Guarded Merchant in Harrow Alley
  • Hakham Sy, in Cobalt Ribbon Camp
  • Kahlna Sy, in Cobalt Ribbon Camp
  • Myrian Smuggler by the dock
  • Rogue Skipper, by the dock


This is the only time you can meet Kalhna to either begin or complete the Draft Report Quest


If you pass the Cobalt Ribbon Lookout's +2Endeavour Symbol Social.png check, the Lookout will give additional dialogue.

Since you appear to be on our side, I can reveal that here are several outlook sites like this along the Verve coast...Most of them are hidden. If there are any signs of a warden raid or other such danger we light fires to pass the warning on. When that happens we clear out of the camp below and scatter like the wind before the bell ringers arrive.


Dialogue Conditions Dialogue
When you speak to Acquisitions Administrator I've for no time to talk to you now! I have so many coming and goings of merchandise at the moment, these are the last words you'll get out of me.
When you speak to the Bat Sahaian Skipper the first time I'm sorry, Khelim. I'm already chartered. But if you need to hire a boat for some clandestine business, this is a good place to ask around. The boathouse in Myr and the Southeastern edge of Bat Saha harbour are also good for that...Oh and don't give any offers to any of my crew if you know what is good for you...I need every able hand for my voyage back.
When you speak to Cobalt Ribbon Guard Hey, I don't recognize you, Nomad!
When you speak to Cobalt Ribbon Lookout a first time Ahoy there, Khelim. We call this place The Coastwatch...From here we have our eyes on a wide stretch of coastline...A breathtaking view, don't you think..?
When you speak to Cobalt Ribbon Lookout a second time Come to take over my watch, Khelim..? A nice thought and all, but The Boss would pull my teeth if should she find out I was shirking my duty. Especially now that Chief Warden Hassam has begun unraveling the patterns of our operations. We have to be light on our feet these days...
When you speak to Myrian Smuggler the first time Ahh...Hello, Khelim...A person has a right to feed his family, right? If I have a boat and the Winds' keep the fish from my nets...What can I do but earn my keep some other way? We are far from the only ones running goods for The Cobalt Ribbon gang...Or other gangs for that matter. Private dealers of illicit goods sometimes hire outside help as well. This is a good place to come to offer services. The Cobalt Ribbon has contacts in most harbours, making it so we don't have to travel far to find jobs on offer...
When you speak to Myrian Smuggler the second time My crew are all fellows from back home...None of us are criminals. We are just in need of some extra income. I hope you will be discreet about meeting us here, Khelim. Chief Warden Hassam currently resides in Myr, and he has ears all over the village.
When you speak to Rogue Skipper Hi there, friend. I'm Kal Jakbi, the one the merchants of Bat Saha summons when they need quick discrete transportation out of sight of the wardens. Look me up if you have need of my services. When I'm in between jobs, I anchor my sloop Black Flounder at the South Eastern edge of Bat Saha harbour.
When you speak to the Cobalt Ribbon Gang Member They respond with a random Bandit Rumor

Walk By Dialogue

Acquisitions Administrator Walk-By Dialogue

Eight finger-weights of jade shards...
Two bales of silk...
Two plates of sweetbread...
Four crescent blades, no hilts...
Two barrels of sugartea...
One quarter weight of Kuro willow-nuts...
One cotton-padded flask of plum wine, stolen from a foreign Philosopher...
Two crates of apples...
Four jars of honey jam...
Fourteen hoes...
One leather envelope of forged tax-return documents...
One quarterweight of Kuro willow-nuts...
One crate of ferrite nails...
Twenty four clay bottles of Selkan rice cider...
Three bales of sail cloth...
Twelve bundles of cinnabar tea...

Cobalt Ribbon Lookout Walk By Dialogue

Who goes there?!


  • The Administrator's dialogue: "Twenty four clay bottles of Selkan rice cider..." used to read "Twenty four clay bottles of rice cider..."
  • Due to server related problems, this event may happen on both Monday and Tuesday night depending on your server region.
