Guarded Merchant

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Guarded Merchant.png


The Guarded Merchant is one of the merchants of the Cobalt Ribbon Gang Gathering.

The Guarded Merchant appears under guard. With two Cobalt Ribbon members as protection. They appear only during the Cobalt Ribbon Gang Gathering.


  • Harrow Ledge to the left of the eastern entrance to Harrow Alley.


This merchant has a consistent inventory of items that they sell at a 30% markup (rounded down). They buy most items at trade value, though they will offer a 50% markup on items that they have a keen interest in.

For Sale


When you speak to the Guarded Merchant for the first time Who might you be, friend? Are you an associate of the Cobalt Ribbon um… 'Enterprise' as well? I have been invited here by one of my merchant colleagues of Bat Saha… I was told coming here could be a real eyeopener for me… She was not wrong.
When you speak to the Guarded Merchant for a second time I have brought sample goods with me to present to interested buyers… If you are also here to trade, please let me offer you to peruse my wares.