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Master Zi.png

Wisdom is a locked treasure chest, practice is the key to it.

Initially known as "Philosopher Monk", Zi . They are usually accompanied by a Listening Youngling who is fascinated with their words.


They usually appear along the roadsides.


Zi willingly gives their plum wine to you when you speak to them.


Zi came from a far away land that was not described to come to Braided Shore to pass his teachers' philosphical teachings to the Asken Folk.


When you speak to Zi Well met, Wanderer! May I tempt you with a cup of sublime plum wine? It is made from royal, sun ripened fruits of my distant homeland... Like myself, it has travelled far and wide to reach you. I have come to spread my teachers' wisdom among Braided Shore folk. It would gladden my heart if you would stay your steps awhile to listen?

Zi's Walk By Dialogue

Just as the cat needs not paint its stripes, so you need only be yourself.
To feel regret is to do better next time.
Those who talk the most know the least.
Live in the moment. It is the only moment there really is.
The quiet mind can catch the breath of entire universe.
Wisdom speaks louder than words.
To help where others would do harm is to invest in the future.
It is a bad teacher who does not learn from their students.

Listening Youngling Dialogue

Shh..! Listen when Zi speaks...

Join us, Wanderer...Sit.


Master Zi seems modelled loosely on a somewhat stereotypical representation of the Daoist sage Laozi.
