Bandit Rumors

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Rumors are an important part of the Braided Shore. This page is dedicated to keeping track of, organizing, and substantiating the rumors heard in the Braided Shore by generic Bandit, sometimes also known as Lawless, Law Bender, or Bandit Gang Member NPCs. They can also be called Lawless, Law Bender, or something like that.

Unlike other dialogue, rumors are not unique to a single NPC or set of NPCs and may be repeated by multiple random NPC characters primarily in the squares and teahouses of the three towns, Myr, Bat Saha, and Crossings. This distinguishes them from the reports of the Town Reporters. Selka, Malku Su, and Sah Basir NPCs also sometimes speak lore in italics that relates to their culture and these NPCs are identified by race. Those sayings are recorded in the page about each racial group.

In addition many rumors are mutually contradictory, speculative, or cryptic and therefore unreliable. However some have proven to reveal quests, secrets, and game mechanics.

Bandit Solidarity

Outside the law and bounded land
there rules a quick and shadowed band
On the flip side of law
we are siblings all.
Outsiders all may find
a warm hearth in a bandits' camp.
A bandit is kin to the wolf.
A bandit is never alone,
For we are many.
One thief will know another
Any time you see a group of bandits not arguing, a robbery is taking place
Folk will be ashamed to know they have a dishonest ancestor in the family. They will be secretly proud to have a bandit!
If you can choose between being yourself, and being a bandit. Always choose to be a bandit!

Relationship with Law Enforcement

The wardens' bells sound grim to me.
Why join the warden's union when you can join a bandit gang?
If there were no bad people, what would the wardens busy themselves with?
In the absence of justice, organised banditry
We rob people of their valuables, the wardens rob people of their freedoms

Bandit Working Hours

Goodbye day!
Night falls and bandits reign.
The Third Bell is the signal
to go to work
By taking I gain
The night is my domain
Dawn breaks and bandits rest
until night wakes
The First Bell is the time for sleep
For such as I...
How sweet, the sound
of the Midnight Bell


Wealth weighs down its owner
let me lighten your burden.
Brave or foolish wanderer
behold a dark adventurer
Lost and found
Gained and gone
A bandit helps with all and one!
Refuse a bandit and languish
as the South Eastern Wind plagues you!
In shade of night I'll relieve
you of your burdens
What's yours is mine, right?
I shall come to you by moonlight...

Attitudes towards Violence

Profit should never come at the cost of your blood.
My knife is sharpened
and my heart hardened
I feel no guilt over armed robbery as long as no one gets too badly hurt

Bandit Feelings

You must understand that mistakes are not always regrets.
We are what we take
Heart and soul grow wilder
on the margins of the law
Everything to hide
and all to gain.
Life demands balance, I'm just on that other side of the scale
So? Does not common folk rob the fruit tree and the blackberry bush?
Like all living things, It is a bandit's needs that compels them
Life is pretty good! I'm a bandit, so why wouldn't it be?
Rather a life merry and short, than dreary and long

Bandit Beliefs about Shadows

Don't fear the moving shadows,
tis only the sway of a thief's intent
Only those that cast two shadows
know the true ways of the bandit.
Best riches are found
out of reach of light and law
Char is the colour of our capes as is the colour of all shadows

Bandit Attitudes Towards Merchants

Only amateurs steal from the poor,
The professionals start a shop.
What is a bandit but a business person without a shop?
The merchant and the bandit, at times can be difficult to tell apart

Bandit Attitudes Towards Wealth Inequality

Belongings for all
and all shall belong
Greed is not our creed,
but anarchy is in our blood!
Every possession
of every great country
started with a crime
Cold the night!
But warm are the pockets of the wealthy
To my mind blackmail is more a sort of tax, than an actual crime
Taxation of the poor is worse robbery than what bandits do
Let yourself be the first to live without life's luxuries. But if you can't do it. Why should I?
For some of us, banditry is the only way we know to feed our family

Bandit Attitudes Towards Char

Char-tinted, full length, hood for the sneak;
black bandit garments are ripe for the strike
Char is my colour as the bright wood burned to a cinder
Char is the colour of our capes as is the colour of all shadows

Bandit Attitudes Towards Farming

A farmer's life?
I chose the knife!
Farming is the only true honest way to live. Unfortunately for you, my honesty does not stretch quite that far

Bandit Strategies for Committing Crimes

A packed crowd is the best source of wealth!
We are but birds in trees,
watching for the fattest seeds.
An ambush is like a dance, it takes practice and exact timing


The threat of the a Scare will teach the bandit to hide better


Treasure is the fruit of a bandit's labour.


Those who speak the name of Molg
must be prepared for the consequences!
The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the neck scarf
Variety comes in all shapes and
shades, it does not make a criminal
A bandit is much like a pirate, but without the boat and the salt stained beard