Gambling Ghost

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Gambling Ghost.png

There are two NPCs with this name who will be referred to under the following names.

  1. Graveyard Gambling Ghost
  2. Fireplace Gambling Ghost

Gambling Ghost is a Ghost and will not be visible or interactable to the player unless you have a means of Seeing the dead.


Graveyard Gambling Ghost

The Graveyard Gambling Ghost appears seated in graveyards and is available to play Passage. They are an inveterate gambler who enjoys playing Passage in the afterlife.

Fireplace Gambling Ghost

The Fireplace Gambling Ghost plays Passage at night by a fireplace with the Gambling Old lady. They are not available to play Passage with the player.


Graveyard Gambling Ghost

Fireplace Gambling Ghost

Appears with the Gambling Lady and Ghosts event


Both the Graveyard Gambling Ghost and Fireplace Gambling Ghost were very passionate Passage players in life and continue to play after death. They may be the same NPC, although their spawning locations are not the same.

Graveyard Gambling GhostDialogue

What I miss most from life is Passage. Care for a game, live one?

Graveyard Gambling GhostWalk By Dialogue

Good move! For a dead guy...
Your turn!
The cards keep dropping through my hands!
I pass!
Bad Move...
Come on, luck!
Counter that if you can!

Fireplace Gambling GhostDialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Gambling Ghost for the first time You can speak to me? How glorious! If you could have seen the games we played in life, Dandelion! The measure of our passion for this game, and all it stands for...Imagine our joy when we realised that not even death would stops us playing!
When you speak to the Gambling Ghost for the second time I sense you are a bit of a passage player yourself, Khelim... Or perhaps soon you will be... Know that the game of Passage was made to tell the story of the Asken folks Passage to Braided Shore. That for every card layed down a piece of our history is invoked... The thread of some dead ansectors destiny plucked like a string of a spirit-world harp. Know that every earthly wager in a game of passage also costs you a part of your soul... and if you don't husband your lust for playing... Then you risk becoming 'hollowed out', like a shrivelled husk of your former self. A Hessem...