Gambling Lady and Ghosts

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Stop staring, Wanderer. Can't you see in the middle of a game?

This trio are always seen playing Passage at night around Braided Shore. The Ghostly Passage Player is available to play Passage. The Gambling Old Lady is a vendor.



  1. Gambling Old lady
  2. Fireplace Gambling Ghost
  3. Ghostly Passage Player

Gambling Ghost Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Gambling Ghost the first time You can speak to me? How glorious!If you could have seen the games we played in life, Dandelion! The measure of our passion for this game, and all it stands for...Imagine our joy when we realised that not even death would stops us playing!
When you speak to the Gambling Ghost the second time I sense you are a bit of a passage player yourself, Khelim... Or perhaps soon you will be... Know that the game of Passage was made to tell the story of the Asken folks Passage to Braided Shore. That for every card laid down a piece of our history is invoked... The thread of some dead ancestor's destiny plucked like a string of a spirit-world harp. Know that every earthly wager in a game of passage also costs you a part of your soul... and if you don't husband your lust for playing... Then you risk becoming 'hollowed out', like a shrivelled husk of your former self. A Hessem...

Gambling Old Lady Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Gambling Old Lady the first time Stop staring, Wanderer. Can't you see in the middle of a game?
When you speak to the Gambling Old Lady the second time I must say, my opponents have picked up quite a few tricks on the other side...Luckily I can still rattle them with a new card or two, hehe. Since there are three of us, you are more than welcome to a game.

Ghostly Passage Player Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you talk to the Ghostly Passage Player the first time Put your eyes back in your skull, Khelim. Stare if you must, but why not play a game with me as you are doing it...?
When you talk to the Ghostly Passage Player the second time In fact it would be interesting to see what new cards may have surfaced in the land of the living... I might not be able to resist trading for some... If you have come across any interesting ones. It was ages since Skuta Mara made landfall, but with each passing seasons a new card or two gets unearthed.

Walk By Dialogue


Gambling Old Lady Inventory

Using Hagglers Wit

This gambler has a great interest in Shade resin.

For Sale
