Old Man

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Worrying, very worrying!

The Old Man travels around Braided Shore and is often sitting down by the roadside dressed in a Marble tunic. He offers clues to several important aspects of the game and a small clue to the Kasa's Incident quest.



Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Old Man the first time I fear for our youth, Khelim...Everywhere I look, I see evidence of gambling seeping back into the fabric of Braided Shore life. We made great efforts in my day to suppress the playing of the game of Passage...The youngsters do not know all the darker details of the origin of this "game". Still, the younger generation appears to fail to comprehend the risks...I fear perhaps we elders ultimately are to blame for this tragedy...We hid its mystic truths and focused on preaching the dangers of playing. I now realise that impressionable folk tend to be drawn to the forbidden...Particularly if the prohibited subject involves some kind of mystery... I have heard rumours of gambling going on in secret basement-dens in Kasa, Bat Saha, and the Voices' Tavern...Even in an out-of-the-way place like Kuro Orchard, a whisper is floating around about a secret cult of subversive gamblers. So be warned, Wanderer! Don't fall for the lure of the Skuta Marah! Reject the handling of soul-sapping Passage cards!
When you speak to the Old Man the second time. *grumbles* It is a fortunate thing that the creation of a Passage game-mat requires a touch of magic and full knowledge of the surrounding lore. As far as I know, there is no one left alive in Braided Shore who knows the secrets involved in weaving a new one. With a bit of luck and a few dozen seasons, the last Passage game-mat might finally be worn out! Blessed be that day, Wanderer!
