Talk:Gambling Ghost

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Gambling Ghost - Ghostly Passsage Player can be found without the Gambling Old Lady in Little Slip under The Biding Hawk

Gambling Ghost "I sense you are a bit of a passage player yourself, Khelim..." "Or perhaps soon you will be..." "Know then that the game of Passage was made to tell the story of the Asken folk's Passage to Braided Shore" "That for every card layed down a pice of our history invoked..." "The thread of some dead ancestors destiny plucked like a string of a spirit-world harp." "Know that every earthly wager in a game of Passage also costs you a part of your soul..." "And if you don't husband your lust for playing..." "Then you risk becoming 'hollowed out', like a shrivelled husk of your former self." "A Hesem..."