Sister Grina and Wolf Sisters

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Sister Grina and Wolf Sisters.png

A bandit is kin to the wolf.

Sister Grina is a hostile NPC who appears near more heavily traveled routes in more remote areas. While she is not a formidable opponent on her own, she is accompanied by three Wolf Sisters making them a challenging group to face on one's own.


  • Alken Rock Coast on Ibis Cape during the day.
  • Charwood Forest at the crossroads by the Private Witchyard and the connection to The Jade Urn
  • Harrow Ledge by the ferry pier during the day.
  • The Jade Urn north of the Moon King's Well during the day and by the Moon King's Well and south of the river at night.
  • West Wind Shores at night and during the day.
  • Little Slip east of the bridge across the river during the day.

Walk By Dialogue

Sister Grina Walk By Dialogue

Seek sisters! Kill!

Sister Grina

Wolf Sisters Dialogue




Sister Grina Drops

Wolf Sister Drops

The Wolf Sister always drops

and one of the following
