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Available upon completing the Crafting the Talzyre quest


According to Geva Kha, the Talzyre has a very long history along with its sister cloak Manzyre, although who created them is still unknown They were given by Queen Leathides to her children Prince Semmethep and Princess Sashinja. Prince Semmethep gave Talzyre to his wife Ar Hab. She kept Talzyre in Rivenleaf Castle. The Habs gave Talzyre to Issa Halzhaan when they pledged loyalty to her during the Lords' War. Ilmana Halzhaan inherited it from her mother, but after this, Talzyre was lost to history.[1]

The speech of Queen Leathides suggests that the Talzyre is associated with the Northern Wind and Manzyre with the Southern Wind. Semmethep, bearer of Talzyre, married Ar Hab of the northern Kingdom of Rivenleaf[2] and Sashinja, bearer of Manzyre, married a Fennec Prince of the southern Kingdom of Ovi Talif[3], how the speech and historical events are related is unclear.
