Woven hemp cape

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ItemIcon EquipmentCloak Cape 02 Medium.png

Once upon a time, the princess of Kasa sat isolated by her bedroom hearth. Her name was Sashinja and she was terribly alone. Her older brother, who was heir to the throne of Kasa, had undertaken a journey across the five other Braided Shore kingdoms and had not returned for many seasons.

Interrupting her lonesome contemplations was a beast-like screech coming from the courtyard outside her balcony. She rushed out into the moonlit night and witnessed a pack of giant rats attacking a large wounded fox. The fox was outnumbered and Sashinja hesitated not, she grabbed a burning stick from her hearth and swung it at the rats who scampered away when the flames licked their greasy fur.

Sashinja brought the unconscious fox inside and tended to its wounds. When morning came, the fur of the fox melted away and revealed the visage of a handsome southern prince. Love blossomed and he brought her with him to Ovi Talif where the two were wed. And Sashinja was never alone again.

