Crafting the Talzyre

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Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

Crafting the Talzyre is a quest that builds on other events, NPCs, and endeavours in The Cistern

NPCs Involved

  1. Milomak Mother
  2. Pale hands
  3. Ambitious Scholar
  4. Bug battling children

The Quest

1) Starting the quest

Speak to Milomak Mother in the Upstairs (House Under The Tree) in the teahouse in Crossings. She requires 3 items:

  1. Talzyre-threaded Nageladr
  2. Porcelain belt buckle
  3. Torn piece of an ancient cloak

All three items can be acquired in various ways in The Cistern.

2) Pale hands

The Talzyre-threaded Nageladr can be purchased from Pale hands. It has a trade value of 3019 but Trade modifiers can help reduce this cost.

3) Porcelain buckle

A guaranteed method of getting the Porcelain buckle is from completing the Bug catching quest. Alternatively it can very rarely be found as loot, but this is not guaranteed.

4) Torn piece of an ancient cloak

You can acquire Torn piece of an ancient cloak by completing a Physical Endeavour Symbol Physical.png endeavour near the Ambitious Scholar.

Note - If you exchange the Torn piece of an ancient cloak with the Ambitious Scholar, you will complete the Deliver a torn piece of an ancient cloak Quest instead. The endeavour is repeatable, but you will need to repeat the Endeavour Symbol Physical.png endeavour on another server in order to receive another Torn piece of an ancient cloak and proceed with the Crafting the Talzyre quest.

5) Crafting the Talzyre

Return to the Milomak Mother and bring all three items. They will say the following dialogue and will give you Talzyre:

Oh! Khelim... I'm afraid I'm retired. But... well this cloth and thread is remarkable! Just running my fingers along the fragments is enough to flood my mind with images of how it wants to exist. It needs to be whole! Tell you what. I'll restore the cloak for you, my final work...
