Pale hands

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NpcIcon Pale Hands.jpg


The Pale hands, first known as Noisy pipe, are barely visible through a grate in The Cistern. They belong to a sewer dweller who lives even further below the city than The Cistern. They sell a variety of items, some of which are key to other quests.

Pale hands sells 12 items at a time. They always carry the Talzyre-threaded Nageladr, Sewer ribbon and Dirty food package.

For sale


A pair of sickly hands bereft of nails stick out of the pipe and beckon you towards them. *Heavy breathing* Give and take..? Scratch me...scratch you? Scratching...Amidst the night soil.


The gruesome backpiece stinks like the hells and would have no place but the garbage if not for the exquisite threads of marble metal that string the nails together. How the sewer-dwelling Pale hands got their paws on such a thread boggles the mind.

You see Pale Hands? That's what we call them at least. I don't quite know what they are but I've never seen their face. Only those hands of theirs...They're harmless though, polite even. I've traded them for some worthwhile trinkets every now and then as well. They're the only person, if they indeed are a person, that I've seen who can delve the depths of the sewers...unbothered.